freeCodeCamp's front-end projects and certification
One of my goals this year was to finish freeCodeCamp’s front-end material. As its name implies, freeCodeCamp is a free programming course that could be compared with a programming bootcamp. It was developed and is maintained by volunteers, and it’s currently one of the most starred repositories on Github.
freeCodeCamp teaches you HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. That knowledge is then tested through programming challenges and projects of different complexity. I ended up completing the following projects:
- Websites: a tribute page, a portfolio
- A quote generating web app
- A weather app
- A panel that shows you which Twitch users are currently streaming
- A Pomodoro clock
- A Wikipedia viewer
- A JavaScript calculator
- A tic-tac-toe game
- A Simon game
Once you’re done with all the challenges and projects, you are given a certificate. Here’s mine: